Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Call for Abstracts - AAG 2025: Geo-simulation Sessions

Building upon last year’s successful sessions related to geosimulation, were various topics and issues from across the urban, social and environmental fields and the resulting application areas. More excitingly, we are witnessing the emergence of the integration of cutting-edge techniques (e.g., machine learning and generative AI) which is energizing the geosimulation community as they offer new approaches for advancing geosimulations. 

This year, the 2025 AAG Annual Meeting will take place in Detroit, Michigan from March 24 to March 28. We are continuing to organize sessions on "Geosimulations for Addressing Societal Challenges," and we encourage you to submit abstracts if this area aligns with your research interests.

Session Description:

There is an urgent need for research that promotes sustainability in an era of societal challenges ranging from climate change, population growth, aging and wellbeing to that of pandemics. These need to be directly fed into policy. We, as a Geosimulation community, have the skills and knowledge to use the latest theory, models and evidence to make a positive and disruptive impact. These include agent-based modeling, microsimulation and increasingly, machine learning methods. However, there are several key questions that we need to address which we seek to cover in this session. For example, What do we need to be able to contribute to policy in a more direct and timely manner? What new or existing research approaches are needed? How can we make sure they are robust enough to be used in decision making? How can geosimulation be used to link across citizens, policy and practice and respond to these societal challenges? What are the cross-scale local trade-offs that will have to be negotiated as we re-configure and transform our urban and rural environments? How can spatial data (and analysis) be used to support the co-production of truly sustainable solutions, achieve social buy-in and social acceptance? And thereby co-produce solutions with citizens and policy makers.

We are particularly interested in presentations that will discuss issues relating to:
  • Agent-based modeling and microsimulation techniques for responding to societal challenges;
  • Agent-based models used for policy formation;
  • Data driven modeling;
  • Utilizing machine modeling for geosimulation;
  • Creating really big models using exascale computation;
  • Model validation and assessment;
  • Participatory methods for agent-based modeling;
  • Approaches to connect and share (open source) data and models;
  • Revealing, quantifying, and reducing socio-economic inequalities with Geosimulation.

Next Steps:

If this sounds of interest, please e-mail the abstract and keywords with your expression of intent to Richard Jiang ( by October 29 (2 days before the AAG session deadline). Please make sure that your abstract conforms to the AAG guidelines in relation to title, word limit and keywords and as specified at: An abstract should be no more than 250 words that describe the presentation’s purpose, methods, and conclusions.


  • October 29, 2024: Please send abstract and keywords with your expression of intent to Richard Jiang (
  • October 30th, 2024: Session finalization and author notification 
  • October 31, 2024: Final abstract submission to AAG, via  All participants must register individually via this site. Upon registration you will be given a participant number (PIN). Send the PIN and a copy of your final abstract to Richard Jiang. Neither the organizers nor the AAG will edit the abstracts. 
  • February 6, 2025: Final Abstract/Session Editing and Presentation Conversion deadlines for AAG, via 
  • March 24-28 2025: AAG in Detroit.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Genomic profiling and spatial SEIR modeling of COVID-19 transmission

Lineage distribution of SARS-CoV-2 across
geographic regions of Ontario, Canada,
Western New York, and New York City over time
In the past we have posted on using agent-based models for explore the spread of diseases. We have been keeping up with this work especially in light of COVID-19. To this end we are excited to introduce our new paper entitled "Genomic Profiling and Spatial SEIR Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission in Western New York" published in Frontiers in Microbiology In this paper have been collaborating with other researchers at the University at Buffalo who focus  on the genomic sequencing of various lineages distribution of SARS-CoV-2. What is special about this  new paper is that we explore how such linages change over space and time and how this relates to movement patterns. If this sounds of interest, below you can read the abstract of the paper, see some the lineages in different regions which change over space and time, and our agent-based model which explores how different lineages might spread though peoples movement patterns. At the bottom of the post, you can see the full reference and the link to the paper itself.  


The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an unprecedented global effort to understand and mitigate the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of COVID-19 in Western New York (WNY), integrating individual patient-level genomic sequencing data with a spatially informed agent-based disease Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) computational model. The integration of genomic and spatial data enables a multi-faceted exploration of the factors influencing the transmission patterns of COVID-19, including genetic variations in the viral genomes, population density, and movement dynamics in New York State (NYS). Our genomic analyses provide insights into the genetic heterogeneity of SARS-CoV-2 within a single lineage, at region-specific resolutions, while our population analyses provide models for SARS-CoV-2 lineage transmission. Together, our findings shed light on localized dynamics of the pandemic, revealing potential cross-county transmission networks. This interdisciplinary approach, bridging genomics and spatial modeling, contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of COVID-19 dynamics. The results of this study have implications for future public health strategies, including guiding targeted interventions and resource allocations to control the spread of similar viruses.
Phylogenetic and spatial–temporal distribution of omicron BA.2.12.1. (A) Geographic introduction and organization of BA.2.12.1 lineage from February 2022 to November 2022, by percentage of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in each county per month. N/A represents counties with no BA.2.12.1 cases sequenced. (B) Phylogenetic clustering of jukes-cantor distance estimations between consensus sequences of 2,737 samples. Lineages on the phylogenetic tree are color-coded by county; Erie County (pink), Monroe County (green), Onondaga County (blue), and Westchester County (chartreuse). (C) Hierarchical clustering of sample-to-sample distance estimation of 2,737 BA.2.12.1 lineages in four counties across NYS, with k-means clustering k = 4.
SEIR model schematic and dynamics. (A) Schematics of SEIR model including general parameter and synthetic population parameter sets, and model initialization and function (B) R0 = 3 Susceptibility, Exposed, Infectious, and Recovered curves based on the introduction of two infected agents, monitored over time. (C) R0 = 5, (D) R0 = 8.
Commuter behavior dynamics in WNY. Estimated commuter populations originating in a specific county. (A) Commuter behavior with Erie County origins. (B) Commuter behavior from Niagara County origin. (C) Commuter behavior from Monroe County origin. (D) Composite Commuter behavior network.

Full Reference: 

Bard, J.E., Jiang, N., Emerson, J., Bartz, M., Lamb, N.A., Marzullo, B.J., Pohlman, A., Boccolucci, A., Nowak, N.J., Yergeau, D.A., Crooks, A.T. and Surtees, J. (2024), Genomic Profiling and Spatial SEIR Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission in Western New York, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15. Available at  (pdf)

Monday, September 23, 2024

Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2024)

Last week I had the honor to give a keynote talk entitled "Exploring the World from the Bottom Up with GIS and Agent-based Models: Past, Present and Future" at the 19th annual Social Simulation Conference which is the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) annual conference. Attending the conference was a great experience being exposed to various applications of social simulation, catching up with old friends and meeting many new people. For anyone interested below I have pasted the abstract from my talk and the slides from the talk can be found here


 We have seen explosion in the availability of data along with utilizing such data in agent-based models. At the same time, we have seen a huge growth in computational power and the associating agent-based models to real world locations through the use of geographical information systems (GIS). This talk will explore how geographically explicit agent-based models have grown and evolved over the last 20 years taking advantage of the explosion of data and computational power. It will showcase a selection of applications of agent-based models and how they can be used to explore the world from the bottom up and with a specific emphasis on cities and regions. Through examples, I will demonstrate how GIS can be used to build agent-based models ranging from using spatial data to create the artificial worlds that the agents inhabit to utilizing demographic data to build synthetic populations. However, it is not just data that is important when building agent-based models but also how do we incorporate human behavior and theory into such models along with considerations of connecting agents through various types of social and spatial networks. While this might appear simple, there are many challenges associated with this which will be discussed using representative examples ranging from basic patterns of life to vaccination uptake. The talk will conclude with what opportunities are emerging in light of the recent growth in artificial intelligence (AI) with respect to building agent-based models. 

 Keywords: Agent-based modeling, AI, GIS, Social Networks, Cities.

Types of Problems Agent-Based Models have Explored
Growth of Geographical Agent-based models.

Crooks, A.T. (2024), Exploring the World from the Bottom Up with GIS and Agent-based Models: Past, Present and Future. The 19th Annual Social Simulation Conference, 16th –20th September, Cracow, Poland.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

In Silico Human Mobility Data Science

In the past we have wrote about using simulation to build synthetic datasets for trajectory analysis due to the limited availability of real world comprehensive datasets. In relation to this work we  (Andreas Züfle, Dieter Pfoser, Carola Wenk, Hamdi Kavak, Taylor Anderson, Joon-Seok Kim, Nathan Holt, Andrew DiAntonio and myself) have a new vision paper entitled "In Silico Human Mobility Data Science: Leveraging Massive Simulated Mobility Data" published in Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems

In the paper we sketch out a framework  for in silico mobility data science. The rationale being in someway that mobility data alone does not tell us much about why people do what do and to quote from the paper "but imagine a world where we can go back in time to ask people about the purpose of their mobility to understand why an individual visited a place of interest." By building models (aka, agent-based models) we can do just that which therefore allows us to build in silico human mobility data  

To build this argument, in the paper we review existing data sets of individual human mobility and their limitations in terms of size and representativeness. We then survey existing simulation frameworks that generate individual human mobility data and comment on their limitations before presenting our vision of a scalable in silico world that captures realistic human patterns of life and allows us to generate massive datasets as sandboxes for human mobility data science. Building off this we describe a small sample of applications and research directions that would be enabled by such massive individual human mobility datasets if our vision came true.

If this sounds of interest, below we provide the abstract to the paper, some of the figures we use to highlight our argument and our envisioned framework that could exhibit both realistic behavior and realistic movement. Finally at the bottom of the post we provide a reference and a link to the paper itself. As always, any thoughts or comments are most welcome. 


Human mobility data science using trajectories or check-ins of individuals has many applications. Recently, we have seen a plethora of research efforts that tackle these applications. However, research progress in this field is limited by a lack of large and representative datasets. The largest and most commonly used dataset of individual human trajectories captures fewer than 200 individuals while data sets of individual human check-ins capture fewer than 100 check-ins per city per day. Thus, it is not clear if findings from the human mobility data science community would generalize to large populations. Since obtaining massive, representative, and individual-level human mobility data is hard to come by due to privacy considerations, the vision of this paper is to embrace the use of data generated by large-scale socially realistic microsimulations. Informed by both real data and leveraging social and behavioral theories, massive spatially explicit microsimulations may allow us to simulate entire megacities at the person level. The simulated worlds, which do not capture any identifiable personal information, allow us to perform “in silico” experiments using the simulated world as a sandbox in which we have perfect information and perfect control without jeopardizing the privacy of any actual individual. In silico experiments have become commonplace in other scientific domains such as chemistry and biology, permitting experiments that foster the understanding of concepts without any harm to individuals. This work describes challenges and opportunities for leveraging massive and realistic simulated alternate worlds for in silico human mobility data science.

Key Words: Spatial Simulation, Mobility Data Science, Trajectory Data, Location Based Social Network Data, In Silico

The envisioned in silico mobility data science process- (let:) A massive microsimulation is created to simulate realistic human behavior specified by a user through an AI-supported builder tool. (middle:) The microsimulation generates massive datasets, including high-fidelity trajectories of all individuals over years of simulation time. This data, which is 100% accurate and complete (in the simulated world) is then sampled to generate realistic datasets. (right:) These datasets are then used to perform mobility data science tasks in the simulated in silico world as if it was the real world. The results of these tasks can then be compared to the ground truth data (of the simulated in silico world) for validation.

The Patterns of Life Simulation. A video of the simulation can be found at:
Envisioned framework for a simulation that exhibits both realistic behavior and realistic movement.

Full reference: 

Züfle, A., Pfoser, D., Wenk, C., Crooks, A.T., Kavak, H., Anderson, T., Kim, J-S., Holt, N. and Diantonio, A. (2024), In Silico Human Mobility Data Science: Leveraging Massive Simulated Mobility Data (Vision Paper), Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (pdf).

Monday, July 01, 2024

Call for Abstracts: Future Map @ AGU

Call for Abstracts! 

At the 2024 American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting to be held during the 9th to 13th of December in Washington, D.C., Carter Christopher, Wenwen Li, Gautam Thakur and myself are organizing a session entitled: “GC077: Future Map: The Convergence of Generative GeoAI, Population Synthesis, and Agent-Based Modeling to Develop Geographic Futures for Climate Assessments” 

The climate community has long developed reliable climate models grounded in trusted Earth systems data and physics, but it has not been until recently that human dynamics and feedbacks have been viewed as a necessary coupling within these models. Including human dynamics within integrated models necessitates a forecasted understanding of human transitions within the landscape. The geospatial science domain has typically not looked forward through simulations. Advances in agent-based modeling, synthetic population generation, and GeoAI/GenAI are presenting new opportunities for generating future-oriented representations of humans landscapes, enabling the development of scenario-specific forecasted datasets, such as synthetic satellite imagery, land cover/land use, the built environment, and more. This session will explore the boundaries of geospatial modeling, data synthesis, and microsimulations for forecasting. Emphasis will be placed on research and studies that show how synthetic forecasted data can enable high fidelity assessments of climate futures and population impacts.

If this sounds of interest and you want to be part of this session, further details can be found at: